Posted by: eveshamdeanery | February 11, 2013


Welcome to our new deanery blog- please join us in coming together and communicating what is happening in our churches and community


  1. Hello – a great opportunity to share what is happening around the deanery. What a day to launch the blog – on the day of Deanery Synod.

    • All I need to do now is learn how to use it!!

  2. What a great idea. I look forward to hearing how one of my favourite deaneries gets on!

  3. It feels very exciting entering into the blogging universe.

    Here is something that my church communities are doing next week and feel free to share – we are running a holiday club at Harvington School on Tuesday to Thursday 19-21st February 10.00 am – 2.30 pm cost a mere £7.50 or £20 for 3 days and on Thursday we have Reverend Roly Bain coming along to share his clowning skills and entertain us in the afternoon.
    We are not limiting ourselves just to local community. Ages from 5 upwards – teenagers are a great asset in looking after the little ones.
    Tell folks to get in touch on

    I hope this tells the local community and the wider world that little rural churches do fun stuff for all ages as we are a catalyst for community activity.

    I heard on Sunday that Cookhill church raised £240 at their Christingle Messy Church style of service the previous week – I stand in awe!

    I wonder what else we can do?

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